Growing Sustainable Networks

We Bring sustainable heating and cooling to people and businesses across city-scale networks.

We combine global expertise of heating and cooling with a team experienced with running some of the country’s largest networks.

Our expertise

Working with policymakers, developers and suppliers, Bring Energy is helping to decarbonise heating for customers, communities and teams across the UK.

Our networks

Bring Energy, the largest operator of UK heat networks.

Newcastle District Energy Company

A heat network at the heart of Newcastle supplying low carbon heat to a unique, collaborative ecosystem and innovation hub with residential, business, and public buildings.

East London Energy

Heating and cooling networks for East London that were conceived as part of the 2012 London Olympics supporting local developments and decarbonising the local area.

Birmingham District Energy Company

District energy networks in the city playing a pivotal role in Birmingham City’s climate change strategy.

Want to join Bring Energy?

Please visit our careers page.

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